Saturday, August 22, 2009

25 things you didn't need to know

1. I brush my teeth in the shower.
2. I CAN cook, just not very well, and I don't really like it. So when my husband gets home and is expecting a big meal for Christmas day... it will be take out, or Wal-Mart deli.
3. I'm the oldest of 6 kids and I also have a younger step-brother. So I guess 7.
4. I was home and public schooled. We went back and forth a lot.
5. I doubt myself in the strangest situations.
6. If I could get rid of a body part on myself and replace it with "better," I'd trade in my calves.
7. I have 5 tattoos, and am planning to get more.
8. The beach = my own personal Heaven.
9. I love, love, love to read. I don't have as much time for it these days, but I still try to squeeze in a good book every once in a while.
10. I haven't recently tested this, but I used to be able to text what a person was saying as fast as they could say it.
11. I met my husband in Basic Training. We both got hurt, he healed, I didn't (well not fast enough anyway, I'm fine now).
12. I love coffee, but I don't drink it very often. I forget a lot.
13. I'm not really into a lot of sweets, but when I want them, I have to have them on hand.
14. When I was pregnant with my son, I craved all the foods my husband likes.
15. I am a freak for a good burger, but even more so for GREAT Mexican food.
16. There are only a select few people I like talking on the phone to.
17. I enjoy making new friends.
18. In high school, I took every.single.English and writing class that was available to me. I love it!
19. I hate putting on makeup, but I like how I look with it on.
20. I have more than one best friend, but I don't throw the word around lightly. Except when I'm really drunk, then I tend to tell people I just met how much I lurve them.
21. I am obsessed with Law and Order: SVU. Oh, and I like Disney. A LOT.
22. I've gotten somewhere in the neighborhood of 13 speeding tickets in my life. Let's not get into the number of times I SHOULD have gotten busted. Or taken to jail. I have a lead foot. It's getting better now that I have a little man in my backseat, though.
23. I love to be touched. Physical contact makes me feel more grounded. My husband doesn't understand this all the time, he tends to think I'm hitting on him.
24. I am a firm believer that married sex is the best. I don't know why, I don't analyze it, all I'm saying is I put a ring on that man's finger and things MUCH improved (not that they needed to).
25. I really strive to be a good listener. I think I fail sometimes, because I over-relate to people when I should just stay quiet. I'm working on it.


  1. 8, 9, 15- burger not so much but mmm Mexican,16, 19, 21-the SVU, not Disney, 23, 25 = DITTO. We're a lot alike it seems :)

  2. "he tends to think I'm hitting on him"...surely that can't be a bad thing for him? hehe
