Tuesday, August 4, 2009

an open letter

Dear Potentially Cancerous Mass,

I just wanted to say hello. I'm acknowledging your presence. I'm also ready to send out a big "Fuck you very much," just in case you thought you were welcome in my body. I thought I should mention, too, that I have a baby to raise. I will walk my son to his first day of Kindergarten. I will watch him walk across the stage and get his diploma from high school AND college. And when he meets the girl of his dreams, I will watch with tears in my eyes as he puts a ring on her finger and promises her forever. I will grow old and wrinkly and gray with my husband. I will spend many many more years enjoying his sweet smile and being frustrated at his love of Robot Chicken and video games that make my eyes want to bleed. I will watch my brothers and sisters grow up. I will enjoy my friends and family in peace, without worrying about anything sneaking up to try to snatch all of this away from me. You won't beat me-- I have too much left I have to do. As hard as you may try to dig your heels in, I'll fight harder. You won't take me down, you won't over power me. Even if you're not cancer, all of this still applies. I will do whatever I have to do to eradicate you from my body, and that will be that. So if you'd like to slink away in fear and not even start with me, that would be appreciated. If not, consider it on like Donkey Kong between the two of us.


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